Friday, December 17, 2010

Demonstration Speech

            The young lady in the video demonstrated how to make chocolate chip cookies.   She started off with a statistic. This statistic was that chocolate chip cookies are the worlds most popular cookie. I thought this was a fun and interesting way to start her presentation. It caught my attention right away and made me want to pay attention throughout the rest of the presentation.  I also thought that her steps were easy to follow. She put everything in order beginning with washing your hands before you begin, to the ingredients used and the order they are used in. She listed out exactly what you must mix together and when.  One final positive point about her presentation was that the eye contact she made with the audience. When talking about the ingredients she used she was looking down and displaying them. When she was just talking about how to make things or the order to add the ingredients she was looking up and making eye contact with her audience.
         A few things that I thought she could have done better include: enthusiasm, repetition of the steps, mumbling, and finally a more thought out conclusion.  This young lady did not seem to excited about making her chocolate chip cookies. Even though she may not be excited or enthused about it she needs to act that way in order to keep the audience interested. If she is not interested in what she is demonstrating how does she expect her audience to.   I also thought she could have repeated her steps a few more times. They were simple and easy to follow but she only went through them twice which made it a bit hard to follow.  She also said “umm” and “like” a bit too much throughout the demonstration. This took away from her presentation. Finally,  I thought that her conclusion could have been a bit stronger. She once again did not repeat her steps or wrap up her demonstration at all. She just finished by telling her audience to take the cookies out of the oven and enjoy.  Overall, a good speech but as I mentioned there are a few areas that I would clean up a bit. 

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