Friday, December 17, 2010

Response to Alec's Post regarding Abortion

Abortion is a very touchy subject that I believe almost everyone in the United states has an opinion on. Every time the subject comes up you will find some who agree, some who disagree, and some who have no opinion at all.  I agree with Alec that this topic will probably never be solved, and will be a constant political argument.
         Although, I also agree with Alec that abortion should not be a legal matter. I think that it should be 100% up to the mother if she wants to keep her baby or not. I believe this because there are many situations where the women did not have a choice, maybe they were raped and became pregnant as a result of it. I am sure that women does not want to raise the baby of someone who sexual abused and assaulted her. Maybe a women got pregnant and she is ill and will die because she can not support both the baby and herself. Now I understand that this is not always the case, but all in all the women she be able to make her own decision on wither or not she wants to keep her child. Not the government and not a law that is put in place.  It is no one else’s problem other then hers.  Those who believe or don’t believe in abortion can do what they please when and if they are ever put in that situation.
         I also believe tend to believe the best in people and think that no one would have an abortion if they had another way out or someone to help them raise the child. This may not always be the case. People may make the decisions to keep or not keep their child for the wrong reasons. As I mentioned earlier, that decision is for the mother and only the mother. 

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