Sunday, October 31, 2010

Laurel Miller - Heart Healthy

I decided to write about Laurel Miller's blog post. I did so because I myself wrote about Nutrition for my Informative paper.  This allowed me to read about what interested her in this area. My interests leaned more towards the Sports Nutrition area instead. I thought the blog that Laurel wrote about on Heart Health was a very interesting one. It was by Kelly who has been blogging for quite sometime now.  Kelly talks about the focus one must have on the health of their heart.  I agree with the post Mary put up that Laurel commented on.  It is good to read blogs or articles like this because it reminds you of the importance of good nutrition. Sometimes people get caught up in their day-to-day routines.  Family, friends, sports, and jobs keep people very busy.  This causes people do forget about what they eat on a day-to-day basis.  Reading a blog like Kelly’s that Laurel posted on can help remind all of us.
I can also relate to Laurel in that I too did not write on a specific topic of sports nutrition. It was more on sports nutrition as a whole and what foods you should eat, when you should eat them, and what could happen if you do not get them.  I did not ever touch on the effects of the other organs in the body or how nutrition may have an affect on them.  I also did not include any specific stories like Laurel said that Kelly did. I instead quoted different people who knew quite a bit on nutrition and experiments done to prove the importance of different nutrients. In conclusion, I think that Laurel makes a good final point when talking about how this post on Heart health gives her a better understanding of the importance of overall good health.  

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