Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Response to Gregory's Blog

I have decided to respond to Gregory’s Blog regarding Euthanasia. I myself decided to write about Euthanasia for my blog. It turns out that Gregory and I feel differently about this issue. He believes that life is to precious and valuable to end sooner then it is supposed to.  He also believes that people can make remarkable comebacks form being very ill. I agree with him that there are miracle situations.  I have heard of many myself. In contrast, there are also situations where the doctors have deemed a person terminally ill. That there will be no coming back from their comma, or there cancer because it has spread to vital organs. It is situations like this that people may not be able to come back from.  When a person is in so much pain that they can’t stand it, why not let them make the decisions for themselves to die. This will end their suffering as well as those of their family. It will also save the family from having to watch them go through this time of extreme pain.   I also agree that life is precious, if there is even a 1%  chance that a person can be saved then Euthanasia should not be considered. For, some that may not be the case. When there is a life of suffering ahead then I do believe that Euthanasia should legal for the patient to consider.  In the end, there needs to be extreme guidelines before Euthanasia should be legalized.  This will make sure that patients and families do not take advantage of it or misuse it.  Although, I am still for Euthanasia even after considering Gregory’s good points.  As I mentioned in my blog post, if we have the right to freedom then we should have the right to choose between life and death. 


Being that my major is Psychology I have had quite some interest in Physician Assisted Suicide, also known as Euthanasia. Euthanasia is the voluntary ending of one’s own life by administration of a lethal substance (Balanced Politics). This injecting can be done by the physician or by the patient if they are able.  Euthanasia is often done when a patient has a illness or disease that is causing them great suffering. The “assistance” part is where the conflict begins.  There are physicians who can actually inject the patient with the drug or equipment to kill themselves. Although, there are many situations where the patient is unable to move or make the decision for themselves on if they want to die or not. This usually happens when the person is in a vegetable state.  When this happens the family often makes the decision for the person on whether or not they should live.  This is where ethics comes in.  Many believe that this is wrong because it is not the person themselves making the decision.  Many are afraid that if this becomes legal in other states other then Organ then people who are unable to afford to keep loved ones alive, will then make the decision for them to take part in Euthanasia. I believe that Euthanasia should be legal.  If someone is in so much pain, or is so unresponsive that they want to die, then I believe that they have to right to make that decision for themselves. When referring to patients that are non responsive, I think that a time period should be put on the person life in order for them to have time to recover if possible, as well as to give loved ones a chance to say goodbye.  All in all, if we have the right to our freedom then we should have the right to decide if we want to keep our life going in a time of extreme suffering or not.