Monday, September 13, 2010


I believe that Henrietta's Lacks story is a very important one for people to hear. I believe that this story will change the way people feel about the medical industry. The doctors took Henrietta's biological cells and are now making profits from it. This is not fare to her or her family. They should receive profit form it as well or at least should have been asked first. I also strongly believe that this story might change the public's mind of wether or not doctors need consent from patients before they take a biological sample. After hearing this story I believe that they should get consent in almost all situations, especially Henrietta's. At the same time I do believe these samples are important for the medical industry to make discovers about new medications and such. If it was not for Henrietta we may not have some of the cancer medication we do today. I think that if the doctors would have been up front in the first place that just maybe she would have voluntarily given her biological samples to them. I think that this would have also changed the impact of what the public thinks. The public would have probably been more willing if doctors were honest with their patients from the start.

I think that Rebecca Skoolt faced lots of challenges while writing this book. I think that it is a story that people of all ages should hear but at the same time many people may not be interested in a story like this. I believe she had to make the story more personal instead of scientific in order to attract readers who were not interested in the medical field but still wanted to hear about Henrietta Lacks story.

I anticipate many things while reading this book. Most of all I think I will experience frustration towards the doctors that took Henrietta's biological cells without getting her consent first. Her family had no idea about her biological cells being taken for experimentation purposes. I feel that if they would have known the cause and been asked first, that they would have been more willing. I have not read much of the book, but I imagine that I will also feel thankful for Henrietta's cells that were taken because they have helped the medical industry make many new discoveries about cancer.


Henrietta Lacks 1951